Sunday, February 13, 2011

Changing Times

Wow, today was strange.  We had a family dinner, and although I fed these kids all their lives, it had been a long time since we just got together for no reason other than dinner.   I have made SO many casseroles in my day, stretched many meals with noodles, rice and potatos, added extra cans of veggies when an extra kid showed up, and I have loved doing it....but this time was different.

Now, each of them is going their own way.  Initially, some wanted to be "independent", and to be "free" of parental bondage.  I have heard it all, and tried to just keep my mouth shut because "I didn't know what the real world was like".  I have watched from a distance, only to get calls from each one of them at one time or another when they "just needed to bounce an idea off", or if they needed advice.   I have gotten a few frantic calls as well.  Many that started with "Don't tell Dad", or "Please don't be mad"........I would venture to guess that I am not alone in that regard.  

Now that they are getting older, they seem to be changing their minds a bit about us "old folks".  They have shared that they want more time with us, all of us as a family.  When I first heard this from one of the boys, I nearly fell out of my chair, I had almost given up!!!

We decided that we needed to re-establish some family time.   We have another grandchild on the way,  and we need to do a better job being a family.  I am committed to this, and look forward to getting to know the young adults that we raised.

Now, back to today's dinner........I made what I knew would get them to talking about their favorite foods growing up, and they started giving me ideas for what we would have next time...............I was very pleased that they want to have a next time.................

I looked around the room and although they are all in their "twentys"...........I still think of them as kids. Maybe that is just a "Mom" thing. I have made dinner for these kids hundreds of times......what has changed is that they are adults............they bring new "kids" into the equation..........and I look forward to watching them all grow into their skin.

What has not changed is that they can still put away home cooking!!!

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